A place for Mommas to learn, share, grow, and vent.

April 2020 – January 2022

Part I of an ongoing series of posts discussing my journey with keto.  

This is my challenge to myself.

This Momma needs to get herself back on track.  Now!!!

Falling Off The Keto Wagon (and hopping back on) - Part I

Desperate for a change

I was always heavy … fat.  I made unhealthy food choices, ate too much, and simply plugged along … hating how I looked.  I tried numerous diets but always felt deprived.  I’d lose a bit of weight and then fall back into old habits.  In April of 2020, while wandering through Costco, I saw a book on keto.  I’d heard a bit about it, but not enough to understand it.  I bought the book and my life changed.

A slow and steady start on my ketogenic journey …

I didn’t embark on keto right away.  I spent time reading and digesting (pardon the pun) the book; reading parts over and over again.  I did tons of additional research. 

On June 08, 2020, I officially embarked on the keto lifestyle.  Within 6 months, I had dropped a total of 40 lbs.  (My first 30 lbs fell off quickly; just under 3 months). In all honesty, it was easy.  Yes, I fell off the wagon a number of times.  But, unlike my past experiences, I didn’t beat myself up and feel like a failure.  I just got myself back on track. 

The weight stops as I hit a plateau

Toward the end of 2020, I hit a plateau and was frustrated that the weight loss was stalling.  I looked for help.

When I hit my first stall/plateau, I joined a challenge group.  This group promised an abundance of information, tips & tricks, and motivation.  It failed to deliver on its promises.   

Around this same time, I took a course and earned an internationally accredited diploma as a Keto Dietary Advisor/Coach. 

Armed with my new knowledge, and combining it with all that I had researched and learned since starting my own keto journey, I decided to create my own keto challenge group – for myself and for others.  Voila …

The ‘10 Week Keto Challenge’ was born

I ran my first challenge in March of 2021 with a small test group.  Each week, I released information and provided a structured outline of ‘how’ to eat for that week.  The feedback was amazing!

Regrets – March 2021 – December 2021

If only I had done the 10 Week Keto Challenge with my test group.  I got cocky.  I had lost 40 lbs and was 10 lbs away from my goal weight.  A weight that I hadn’t seen in …. forever!

I shifted between dirty and lazy keto and, in doing so, completely messed myself up.  Regular ‘cheat’ days became a thing.  One day would turn into 2.  2 would turn into 3. 3 into 4.  You see how that goes.

After doing consecutive ‘cheat’ (okay, binge) days, I’d experience incredible guilt.  I knew that I was putting the weight back on.  But, I refused to acknowledge this.  Instead, I’d just get back into a keto mindset.

I’d do strict keto for 3-4 days and then fall off again.  Each time vowing that this was it.  I was going to get back on track!

Christmas 2021

15 lbs heavier, I approached Christmas of 2021 with the mindset that I would not feel guilty about going off of keto for the holidays.  I decided that I would ‘eat like the masses’ from December 24-26.  I would be an active participant in my family’s annual Christmas Eve tradition. I would eat that roasted hotdog …. WITH A BUN!!  I would add Bailey’s to my hot chocolate.

I always make spinach loaf, surprise spread and shrimp cocktail at Christmas.  Last Christmas (when I was full-on, no-cheating-allowed keto, I ate all of these appetizers …. without the bread and crackers.  Not this year!  I decided that I would enjoy the bread and crackers too.  And then once Boxing Day was over, so were my cheating ways!

The cheating continues

The 26th of December became the 27th.  Before I knew it, we were at January 02.  I was slated to return to work on January 03.  That would be the day!!!  When I’m out of the house and working, it is w-a-y easier for me to stick to keto.

My return to work and my return to keto

Right before I was slated to return to work (I’m an Assistant Principal) the government announced that our Christmas break was being extended by a week – due to skyrocketing covid cases.  So, my January 03 return-to-keto date became January 10.

So, here I am.  January 18, 2022. 

Did I stick to my plan?  Did I get back on the keto wagon on January 10???  Yup!  I sure did!  Until January 14.  Sigh.  We went out for dinner that night.  I caved.  I ordered veal cutlets.  It came with mashed potatoes and gravy.  I ate it.  But, I didn’t enjoy it.  Not only was it actually a pretty bad meal, it was the guilt – the I AM SO WEAK thoughts that prevented me from enjoying it.

Saturday came and I thought, “This is the day.”  It wasn’t.  We ordered pizza for supper.  I do love Red Swan keto pizza.  Did I order from there?  No.  The weather was awful.  It was freezing outside.  I didn’t want to drive to pick the pizza up.  We were ordering in.  I’m cheap.  I didn’t want to pay for 2 pizza deliveries; mine and the pizza for the rest of the family.  So, I opted to say ‘screw it’ and I ate non-Keto pizza.  Another failure.

Now what???

I’m now 2 days back on the keto wagon.  2.  Only 2.  But, you have to start somewhere, right???

1 day at a time.  That’s how I’m operating.

Stay tuned for Part II

My intent is to update my journey every month or so.  So, for now – this is it.  June 2020 – January 2022 in a nutshell.

I know that moving forward, I need to do a few things:

  • I need to get ketosis kick-started in my body.  I have a few ideas about this and I’ll share them in my next post.



  • I need to be able to forgive myself if I mess up.


  • I need to consider doing lazy or dirty keto (to reduce my guilt and to allow me more options).


If you’d like to receive a quick message to let you know when I post Part II, please complete the form below.  Also, please know that I will only use your email for this purpose; to let you know that Part II has been posted. 

Until then …  stay strong Mommas!  We got this!!!