A place for Mommas to learn, share, grow, and vent.

There’s A Stranger In My House

There’s a stranger in my house. 

That stranger is my son.  My almost 16-year old son.

I recognize him one moment.  The next I don’t. 

One minute … he’s growling at me because I ask too many questions. 

The next minute … he’s sitting down beside me telling me all about his day. 


One minute … he’s rolling his eyes at whatever I say to him. 

The next minute … he’s engaged in my every word.


One minute … he’s rushing out of the car, as fast as he can, when I drop him off at the LRT.

The next minute … he pauses before he opens the door of the car to get out.  He leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek telling me that he loves me and that he hopes I have a great day.


One minute … he’s holed up in his room, the sound of laughter escaping from under his door as he online games with his friends. 

The next minute … when I knock and open his bedroom door, he’s silent.


One minute … we’re sitting in the food court, his head is down as he shovels his food in, oblivious to everyone around him.

The next minute … he’s taking money from his wallet and buying a coffee for a senior citizen in the line-up at Tim Horton’s.


One minute … he’s complaining when I ask him to help shovel the snow in the driveway.

The next minute … he’s grabbing the shovel from my hands – telling me that he’ll do it. 


One minute … he’s fighting with his 18-year-old sister, teasing her and pushing all of her buttons.

The next minute … he’s downstairs in her room – sitting beside her talking and laughing and telling her that he loves her.


One minute … he’s complaining that we have nothing to eat in the house. 

The next minute … at the grocery store, when I ask him what he’d like me to buy for him to eat, he says, “Don’t worry, Mom.  We’ve got stuff at home that I can eat.”


One minute … he’s hiding his phone, pulling it into his lap when I walk by him. 

The next minute … he’s asking me to watch a TikTok with him.


One minute … he’s unsure of everything and tells me that he can’t do anything right. 

The next minute … he oozes confidence.


One minute … he’s moaning when I ask, “Have you done your homework, yet?” 

The next minute … I find him doing his homework with zero questions and no prodding.


One minute … he’s asking for money. 

The next minute … when I offer him money, he declines.


One minute … he’s sitting beside me in the car, completely silent with his AirPods in. 

The next minute … he and I are singing 80s tunes at the top of our lungs. 


One minute … he’s the moody teen that I am used to. 

The next minute … he’s a stranger. 

Reflecting back over the past year, I never knew who I would encounter at any given moment.  Would it be my teenage son or would it be the stranger? 

I did enjoy seeing that stranger. He gave me glimpses into the young man that my son was turning into. 

As each day passes, I am seeing more and more of the stranger and less and less of my teenage son.

That stranger  – that vibrant, confident, intelligent, compassionate, motivated, driven young man??? He is my son and I could not be more proud of him!  Love you, Jax!!! 

If you enjoyed this post about your children growing up, please read  In The Blink Of An Eye.

I also encourage you to check out my  Teens  page for additional posts.