A place for Mommas to learn, share, grow, and vent.

Looking for a fun birthday party idea for a young teenage girl??

I organized a Mall Scavenger Hunt event for my daughter’s 13th birthday. 


The girls loved it!!!

Mall Scavenger Hunt Ideas For Teen Girls (boys too, maybe????)

Clearly the Mall Scavenger Hunt isn’t a great ideas in the midst of a global pandemic.  But, I remain optimistic that, sometime (hopefully in the near future), we can lay COVID to rest and resume the life that we used to know!

Now – let me address what will likely be the second objection to this activity.  Safety.

Keep in mind that I am not proposing this activity for young children.  Nor would I suggest it for young teens that might display … questionable judgement (???)

My daughter has always been ultra-responsible.  I had zero concerns about her doing this activity with her friends.  Additionally, I stayed in the food court at the mall while they were doing the scavenger.  You should too!

Scavenger Hunt Rules

Below are the rules that I used for my daughter’s scavenger hunt.  It may be that you disagree with some, or feel that others are missing.  Alter as you see fit, Mommas.  


Mall Scavenger Hunt


  1. The scavenger hunt begins as soon as both teams receive the scavenger sheets.
  2. Teams need to meet back at wherever _____’s Mom is at ________ p.m. If your team is late returning, 5 points will be deducted from your total team points.
  3. Do not run in the mall or in any of the stores. If any person from your team is caught running, your team will lose 5 points.
  4. Treat everyone that you encounter with respect.
  5. Some items on the list will require taking a picture on one of your cell phones. All photos must be taken on the same camera.  Unless otherwise specified, at least one team member must be present in each of the photos you take.  Do NOT give your phone to a stranger to take the photos.  Take turns taking the photos so that everyone has a chance to be in the photos.
  6. When going into a store, you must ask one of the clerks if you can take a picture of any items. This is polite and shows respect.
  7. If you remove an item from a shelf, place it back where you found it.
  8. Have one team member check off each item that you find from the list.
  9. Groups are not allowed to split up. The entire group must stay together for the entire event.
  10. Each item on the list is worth 5 points. You do not have to accomplish every task, just as many as you can.
  11. The team earning the most points wins. Have fun and play fair.  Remember, it’s just a game!

Mall Scavenger Hunt

Items to return with

  • A ketchup packet.
  • 2 different business cards.
  • A perfume sample.
  • An empty gift card from any store in the mall.
  • A napkin with a restaurant logo on it.
  • One French fry (you cannot buy the French fries – find one or ask for one).
  • An employment application form.
  • A ‘price tag’ off of any item. (Be sure to ask!)
  • A food sample from any store.
  • A receipt from any store.


Photos to take

  • Find a book about a dog. Take a picture of at least one team member holding the book.
  • Take of photo of one team member giving another team member a piggy back ride.
  • Take a photo of at least two team members on an escalator.
  • Take a photo of a price tag whose digits add up to 25.
  • Find a store that sells cards and take a picture of a 100th birthday card with at least one team member holding the card.
  • Take photos of each team member trying on sunglasses.
  • Take a photo of something that has zebra print.
  • Find a 50% off sign. Take a picture of the sign with at least one team member looking super exited because of the sale.
  • Take a photo in the mirror of all team members.
  • Take a photo of two members washing their hands in the same sink, at the same time.
  • Find a mannequin. Take photos of each team member standing beside the mannequin in the same pose as the mannequin.  Lose 5 points for every team member who does not have a photo taken.
  • Take a photo of two team members with a store clerk. 5 bonus points if the employee works at Apple.
  • Find a frog (earrings, shirt, toy, etc.) and take a picture with at least one team member.
  • Return with a stranger’s autograph on the bottom of this sheet. 5 bonus points if the person’s name is Allison. Do NOT get someone with a different name pretend to be ‘Allison’!
  • Take a video of at least2 team members dancing in the food court.
  • Find a man with a moustache or beard. Introduce yourselves and a picture of at least one team member standing beside the man.
  • Take a photo of something that has the number ‘27’ on it.
  • Take a photo with a salesperson whose name starts with the letter ‘L’. The person’s name tag must be visible.
  • Find a shoe store and take a picture of one team member trying a red shoe on.
  • Take a photo of at least 2 team members with a security guar


Total points:      /150

Points lost:    


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