A place for Mommas to learn, share, grow, and vent.

Interests and Aptitudes

Package #2 – Interests and Aptitudes:  The Rationale 

MM Educational Consulting seeks to encourage rich conversations about what students want to do with their lives.  Through two possible tools, students will assess their interests and aptitudes.  These tools will assist students in better understanding their interests and aptitudes and begin to consider realistic possibilities for their future.


Alis – Career, learning and employment information for Albertans

Students are provided with step-by-step instructions for the completion of a series online quizzes that will yield valuable information in determining future career paths.  MM Educational Consulting will assist students with setting up online accounts and assessing final results.


Explorations Advanced – A Guide to Job/Career Planning ©

The Explorations workbook is an assessment that helps to identify student interests.  Results from this assessment are aligned to specific career groups, thereby assisting with educational/career planning.


MM Educational Consulting believes that when interests, aptitudes, and values are explored, students become empowered and are more confident about making decisions regarding their future.

Package #2 – Interests and Aptitudes:  Includes


  • The student’s choice of assessments (online or paper copy).
  • Instructions for completing assessments.
  • Reviewing assessments.
  • Examining potential programs that align with assessment results.


This package is suitable for students of all ages.

Recommended Reading For Parents

As parents, we all want what is best for our children.  Sometimes, our best of intentions can back-fire … or be contrary to what is truly best for our children.  Parents, I would like to encourage you to read the following articles:

The Key To Success For Youth

Advice For My Teenager – Relationships & Adventures

Advice For My Teenager – Health & Wealth


You may also be interested in reading additional posts about life with teenagers.

For additional information, including package pricing, please complete the general inquiry form below:

General Inquiry Form