A place for Mommas to learn, share, grow, and vent.

In The Blink Of An Eye

In the blink of an eye.  That’s how quickly our children grow.

In the blink of an eye.  That’s how long it took my newborn daughter to capture my heart and become my world. 

It seems like just yesterday that I was the answer to her every need.  She was a newborn, swaddled up in my arms.  I was her everything.  She was entirely dependent upon me. 

I remember watching her during tummy time and laughing as she bounced in her jolly jumper.  And I remember how she made me feel complete.

I loved watching her as she slept; in awe that she was mine.

In the blink of an eye.  That’s how long it took my daughter to grow from a newborn to a happy-go-lucky toddler.

It seems like just yesterday that I was her favorite playmate.  She was a little girl with wild, curly hair who got excited over absolutely everything.  She would sit in my lap for cuddles and she and loved to hold my hand.

I remember painting her fingernails and toenails with bright, vibrant polish.  And I remember taking her to the park and pushing her on the swing, watching her on the monkey bars, and catching her at the bottom of the slide.   

I loved that she loved being with me, all of the time.

In the blink of an eye.  That’s how long it took my daughter to grow from a toddler to a little girl with a headful of ringlets, a contagious laugh, and a smile that could light up a room.

It seems like just yesterday that I was her biggest confidante and held all of her deepest secrets.  She told me everything and thought that I had the best ideas and gave the best advice.

I remember walking her into school for the very first time; kindergarten.  And I remember, after her grade 6 farewell ceremony, walking alongside her as she took her final steps out of her elementary school. 

I loved how she always defended the under-dog and gave 100% into everything that she did.

In the blink of an eye.  That’s how long it took my daughter to grow from an elementary-school child to a tween in junior high.

It seems like just yesterday that I was in the school gym watching her play basketball and volleyball.  I helped her navigate friend issues and spent countless hours driving her to her friends’ houses … and fixing snacks when her friends came to ours.

I remember how proud she was to be earning honors standing and becoming involved in all school events.  And I remember watching her, my heart swelling with pride.

I loved that she absolutely loved life and was always happy.

In the blink of an eye.  That’s how long it took my daughter to grow from a tween to a high school student.

It seems like just yesterday that I held her as she cried from her first broken heart.  I watched her test different identities, changing friend groups as tried to figure out where she belonged.

I remember helping her with her resume as she applied for and got her very first part-time job.  And I remember endless discussions about which universities she should apply to, and the excitement that I felt when she got accepted into both of her choices.

I loved that she was such an independent spirit who effectively juggled her time to accommodate school, family, friends, work, and rugby.

In the blink of an eye.  That’s how long it took my daughter to grow from a senior in high school to an adult.  Suddenly, she was 18.  I was no longer her whole world. 

It seems like just yesterday that I saw her in passing; as she stopped in at home to change clothes before going to work or heading out with her friends.  Her barrage of friends had, somehow, assumed my role.  I was no longer privy to her secrets.

I remember that she seemed to go from teen to adult almost overnight.  And I remember that no matter where she was or who she was with, she always sent me the same goodnight text:  Night, love, am. 

I love that I have had the privilege of watching my newborn-toddler-little-girl-tween-high-school-student mature into an amazing, confident, courageous, vibrant, motivated, funny, intelligent, empathetic, beautiful young woman.

I also love that, sometimes, in the blink of an eye, my daughter – the most amazing young woman that I know – is once again my little girl. 

She no longer needs me in the same way that she used to.  But, every now and then, in the blink of an eye, my little girl is back.  She turns to me and gives me ‘that’ smile.  She asks for a hug.  She asks for my advice.  She sits down and tells me about her day.

I love those moments.  They don’t come as often as they used to.  But, they do come ….  in the blink of an eye.