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headache, woman, face-388870.jpg

EWWWWWW – what is that smell coming from your mouth???

And what’s with that lack of focus and that pounding headache???

How To Combat Keto Breath & Flu

Keto Breath

Ugh – keto breath.  Some experience this, others don’t. 

When you first enter ketosis (and even after you’ve been in ketosis for a while), you may find that your breath smells fruity or kind of like nail polish remover. 

Keto breath can also leave a really funny metallic-like taste in your mouth; making water taste sweet. This means that you are now able to taste salivary glucose. 

Keto breath can be highly offensive to those who get close enough to you to get a whiff.  It is a common and temporary side effect of being in ketosis. 


Rather than get into the scientific explanation, let’s talk about how to reduce it. 

  • Start by increasing your water intake.
  • You may also want to consider reducing the amount of protein that you’re eating and increasing healthy fat intake (avocados or nuts).


The good thing about keto breath is that it likely means that you in ketosis. 

Keto Flu

Although I never experienced keto flu, more people than not get it.  Keto flu is temporary, but awful enough that it causes some to give up the keto lifestyle. 


Here is a brief run-down of keto flu:


Can include: headache, brain fog, dizziness, nausea, carb cravings, irritability, muscle cramps, constipation, diarrhea, general weakness, lack of focus, difficulty sleeping. 

Keto flu typically lasts 3-5 days, but can last up to 10.


Side effects of keto flu

  1. Constipation – help relieve constipation by eating more green leafy vegetables or supplement with psyllium husk.
  2. Keto breath – the acetone gives your breath a fruity smell. The intensity is reduced as you become fat adapted.
  3. Ketoacidosis – a very high concentration of ketone bodies (particularly in people with type 1 diabetes).


Tips and strategies to reduce the keto flu

  • Optimize water intake (divide your weight in half and drink at least that many ounces each day)
  • Avoid high intensity workouts – aim for 5000 steps per day and do yoga and light stretching (note that this is half of the recommended 10,000 daily steps)
  • Sleep, nap, rest, and take it easy
  • Eat enough healthy fats
  • Replace electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium)
  • Pink Himalayan salt or rock salt (add a pinch to your water)
  • Make homemade broth (beef or chicken)
  • Drink pickle juice
  • Eat green leafy vegetables, and avocados
  • Eat nuts

Ketogasm has created the visual below that shows how to combat keto flu through electrolytes.

Are you looking for more information on keto?

Check out the Keto page for even more articles.