A place for Mommas to learn, share, grow, and vent.

Adulting 101

You’re growing up.

Here are 50 things about your DAILY LIFE and CAREER that are important for you to know and practice.

Daily Life & Career Advice For My Teenager

My daughter just turned 18.  A few weeks before her birthday, she said to me, “I’m turning 18 and there is so much that I don’t know!  Mom – help!!!  What do I need to know????”  (For those of you that know my daughter, her question makes perfect sense!  She craves order, organization, and rules).

So, I put a call out to my friends.  What piece of advice would you go back and give your 18-year old self? 


They did not disappoint.  My friends came up with fabulous ideas.  255 ideas to be exact!!!

I decided to divide these 255 ideas into 4 categories.  Today’s post contains the top 50 pieces of daily life & career advice for teenagers. 

Adulting 101 – Daily Life & Careers

Daily Life

  • Always watch your word and actions. There is always someone around with a camera who won’t hesitate to post what you say and do for the world to see.
  • Go to the dentist for a check up and cleaning every year.
  • Get an annual physical exam.
  • Find a good mechanic that you can trust.
  • Learn how to drive a car with manual transmission.
  • Try and make extras when cooking. Freeze the extras for days when you’re too busy to cook.
  • Clean up after yourself.
  • Floss every night.
  • Spend the extra money to get a good hairstylist.
  • Get fitted for a good bra and pay the extra. It’s worth it.
  • Don’t go cheap on make-up and hair products.
  • Don’t ever put anything on social media that you might one day regret.
  • Learn how to pull and back up a trailer.
  • Find a church. Even if you don’t attend on a regular basis, know that there is somewhere you can turn to for help and guidance.
  • Once a month, buy yourself flowers. Buy extra flowers and give them to someone on your way out of the store.
  • Collect and save your favorite recipes from your Mom and your Grandma. One day, you will cherish these.
  • Always have your computer backed up.
  • Learn how to change your oil and a flat tire.
  • Never advertise on social media that you are away on vacation and that your home is empty.
  • Keep all of your passwords private.
  • Find a cause that you believe in. Support it.
  • Anytime you have to sign a contract, read it and be sure that you understand it.
  • Come election time, know the candidates.  Vote!
  • When your alarm goes off in the morning, get up. Don’t get in the habit of hitting the snooze button.
  • When in doubt, call home!


  • Be what YOU want to be, not what others say you’d be good at.
  • Work at a job that you love and will accept less money for as opposed to a job that you hate but pays better.
  • Explore all of your options in terms of a job.
  • Get an education, get a job, and support yourself.
  • Don’t be afraid to take that fork in the road when it comes to your career.
  • One bad day at work doesn’t mean that you should quit. Everyone has bad days at work.
  • Never take your job for granted. Many would love to be doing what you do.
  • When you land in a job, explore. What other opportunities exist for you within the company?
  • Leave your work at work.
  • Give kudos to your colleagues for a job well done.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for a raise or more perks if you deserve them.
  • Make as many professional/business connections as you can.
  • Always keep your resume updated.
  • Collect letters of reference from everyone.
  • Just because it’s a good job, doesn’t mean it’s the job. If you’re not happy, start looking for something else or take some classes.
  • Don’t quit one job without having another.
  • Never just quit a job on the spot. Always give your employer two-weeks notice.
  • If you become the boss, never belittle your employees.
  • Do more than is expected.
  • Don’t let anyone else take credit for the work that you do. If it’s your idea/your work, claim it.
  • When one of your colleagues starts to gossip about another, leave.
  • Behave yourself at office/work parties. Remember, your boss is there.
  • If you have a new idea for how to improve things at work, go directly to your boss/supervisor.
  • Arrive early and stay late – but not in excess.
  • Always help the new person at work learn the ropes.