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Post Secondary Applications

Package #3 – Post Secondary Applications:  The Rationale 


Applying to university/college/tech schools etc. can be a daunting task.  The application process is continually evolving.  Admission requirements and competitive averages can also change on an annual basis.  Knowing when, where, and how to apply can be an overwhelming process for students and their families.


MM Educational Consulting has over 20 years experience assisting students with the post-secondary application process and maintains annual contact with institutes to be on-top of the latest application procedures and admission requirements.  Our goal is to support students as they navigate through the application process.

Package #3 – Post Secondary Applications:  Includes

  • Assisting students in understanding how admissions and applications work at the post-secondary level.
  • Developing an individualized list of potential post-secondary programs and institutes based on the needs and interests of the student.
  • Helping the student to determine a program best suited to him/her.
  • Assistance with the application process (helping to set up all necessary accounts and ensuring that deadlines are met).
  • Creating a checklist of tasks to complete during the application process.
  • Information on scholarships.


This package is suitable for students who are ready to apply to post-secondary institutes. 

It is recommended that students purchase the Interests and Aptitudes package prior to the Post-Secondary Application package to ensure that they are making sound, realistic choices.

Recommended Reading For Parents

As parents, we all want what is best for our children.  Sometimes, our best of intentions can back-fire … or be contrary to what is truly best for our children.  Parents, I would like to encourage you to read the following articles:

The Parental Push: Athletics, Post-Secondary & Scholarships

Back Door Ways To Get Into University


You may also be interested in reading additional posts about life with teenagers.

For additional information, including package pricing, please complete the general inquiry form below:

General Inquiry Form