A place for Mommas to learn, share, grow, and vent.

January 2022 


Part II of an ongoing series of posts discussing my journey with keto.

Today I talk about the dangers of not calculating macros and body images issues.

Falling Off The Keto Wagon (and hopping back on) - Part II

Weeks 1 & 2 (January 17- January 30)

Dirty-tracking keto? Strict when convenient keto?

I have quickly realized that strict keto isn’t right for me.  Those of you who are strict keto and nothing but … don’t criticize me for this.  There are 3 types of keto and everyone needs to find the one that works best for her (or him). 


I think that there needs to be a 4th type of keto.  I’m not strict keto as my food choices fall outside of the ‘whole food’ category.  I’m not lazy keto as I still track my macros every day.  And I’m not really dirty keto.  Although I eat what I want, I do always try and make good choices, but sometimes make bad choices (that fit in my macros).  I guess I’m kind of a strict when convenient or a dirty tracker kind of keto person. 


Moving forward, I will refer to my journey of falling off the keto wagon (and getting back on) as a ketogenic lifestyle that practices dirty tracking keto!

Body image issues

It’s funny how our minds work.  At my heaviest, I knew it.  It was obvious every single time I looked in a mirror or saw a picture of myself.  When I lost those initial 40 lbs, nothing changed when I looked in the mirror or saw current photos.  I was still the fat, frumpy person that I had always been.  Others certainly didn’t see me that way.  My Mom was worried.  She said that I was losing too much weight and was starting to get skinny.  Skinny?  Me???  Never.  At best, I will be average.

Anyway – despite never being able to see that I HAD lost weight, when I looked in the mirror 2 days ago, I could definitely tell that I HAD gained back a lot of the weight that I had lost.  You can imagine how that translates into my mind.  If I saw myself as fat and frumpy before, I now see myself as fatter and frumpier than ever. 

I definitely need to work on this as I restart my journey.  I’ve started to do some reading about this.  I keep coming across the diagnosis of BDD; Body Dysmorphic Disorder.  The Mayo Clinic has a really great page that talks about BDD.  I still need to do further reading to figure out how I can look in the mirror and see what is really there, not what I think is there.  I’ll talk more about this in future posts as I learn more.

Dysmorphia – seeing isn’t always believing.

Getting my steps in!

When I first started keto, I incorporated zero exercise into my regime.  The dogs got walked on a regular basis, but I didn’t do any additional exercise.  Yes, the weight fell off.  But, I paid for not exercising.  Excess skin is not a pretty thing!


I feel that blogging about my journey makes me a bit more accountable.  I want to write a success story, not an “I’m still weak” post.  So, if I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do it right!  That means doing everything I can to prevent that excess skin issue from happening again.


Not only will I be doing some strength training on my bowflex, I’ll be making sure to get in my 10,000 steps per day.  (I wrote about this topic in Week 1 of the 10 Week Keto Challenge). 


Fortunately, one of the ladies that I work with sets up ‘step-challenges’ for staff each year.  Participants kick in $2.00 to join.  Everyone then decides on how many steps they want to get in each week.  We log our steps each day on a shared google doc.  If we don’t meet our step goal for the week, we owe $2.00.  At the end of our step-challenge (the last week of the school year), we take the money and buy lottery tickets.


It’s only $2.00, but it’s a good motivator!!!

Progress for weeks 1 & 2

2 weeks in and I’m frustrated as hell!!!  But, I’m making some progress.  They might be baby steps, but they are steps nonetheless.  I didn’t cheat – I stayed low carb and had no ‘real’ sugar (based on my previous month, this is kind of like Neil Armstrong’s first step on the moon). 

When I first started keto back in June of 2020, I dropped 5.9 lbs in the first 2 weeks.  The loss is definitely not going to be as significant this round.  At the end of week 2, I am only down 1 lb.  It’s still progress though!  There are some key reasons for this minimal loss; all my own doing. 

  • Strict keto brings forth more significant losses. I definitely practiced dirty tracking keto these past 2 weeks.  I had a few almond butter cups, some enlightened ice cream, a keto bun …. all products that those following strict keto would not consume.  I know that I’ve been taking in too much protein and my net carbs have been higher than I wanted each day.  I attribute this to the lunch that I have been taking to work  over the past 2 weeks – chicken cabbage soup.  I love it – and find it filling.  But, soup isn’t my only issue.  Read the next bullet point for an explanation of this.


  • Logging daily calories and macronutrients – I dropped the ball here. I know for sure that I didn’t log everything that went into my mouth every day.  Those few pieces of cheese that I munched on as I was making dinner, the extra almond cup that I grabbed from the freezer and gobbled up, the extra tablespoon or two of all natural peanut butter that I had as I was preparing my jell-o and peanut butter desert.  (Don’t knock this dessert until you’ve tried it.  It puts a twist on the Buckley’s cough syrup slogan.  This dessert looks bad, but it works … at satisfying my sweet tooth craving!)  Yup, I blew my tracking and definitely over-consumed calories and went over my macros.  But, I’m not going to beat myself up nor am I going to give up.  I now realize that I HAVE to track everything to meet with success. So, that’s my plan moving forward – track everything.

Kick-starting and getting into deeper ketosis

I have been using urine strips to measure my ketones.  (I’m checking every 2nd day).   I’m definitely in ketosis.  But, I need to get deeper.


In my last post, Falling Off The Keto Wagon – Part I, I said that I was going to consider doing some intermittent fasting.  Now I know that I NEED to implement this. This week, I’m going to follow the 16 hour fast; 8 hour eating window.


In upcoming weeks, I’m also planning to follow the carnivore diet for 5 days.  You can read all about this method of getting into deep ketosis by referring to my Preparation Week – 10 Week Keto Challenge post.


Another option is for me to follow the 3-Day-Kickstart-Keto Menu Plan from I Breathe, I’m Hungry.


I’ll keep you posted as to how these ideas turn out.  Watch for future posts!

Thank-you Pinterest for my new mantra this year!!