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Outdoor entertainment for

toddlers and children

12 Fun Outdoor Activities To Keep Children Busy

Ball Bumping

Arrange children in a circle and see how many times that they can consequently hit the ball and keep it in the air.  For smaller children, use a balloon.  Have the children count out loud each time the ball is hit back into the air.  If the ball hits the ground, they must start over again at one.  Encourage children to try and beat the high score.


Blankets N’ Balls

Using group of four or more, have each person hold onto one corner of a blanket.  Place a light ball in the center of the blanket and:

  • try and move the ball clockwise around the outside of the blanket without it falling off.
  • as a group, throw the ball into the air (by lifting the blanket) and then try and catch it.
  • if there are enough children for two or more blankets, have them try and throw the ball from one blanket to another.


Buckets of Fun

Fill a bucket with water and send the kids outdoors to engage in the following activities:

  • Paint the fence or sidewalk using paint brushes or rollers.
  • Give children soft sponges to soak and throw into another bucket. Or have the children play ‘splotch catch’ with them.


Homemade Rockets

Fill an empty film canister with baking soda and vinegar.  Place the lid back on the canister and shake well.  With the lid facing upward, quickly place the container outside on the sidewalk.  Stand back for the launch!



Have children place ice cubes under their armpits and see who can hold them there the longest.


Obstacle Courses

Set buckets up in a straight line and have children weave and zigzag between them.  Have them try this backwards.


Picket Fence Paintings

Go to the local newspaper and ask for newsprint roll ends (these are usually recycled or given away) or purchase a large roll of paper from a craft store.  Using strong tape, attach a large sheet of paper (approximately ten feet) to your fence.  Mix up a batch of very thick tempura paint and, using an assortment of brushes, have children paint a mural across the fence.


Pop Bottle Tornadoes

Fill a 2L clear, plastic pop bottle with water, about one inch from the top.  Add a few drops of food coloring, 1 teaspoon of dish detergent, some sparkles, and screw the lid on tightly.  Hold the bottle horizontally, in front of you, and away from your body.  Holding both ends, shake it in a smooth, rapid, circular motion approximately ten times.  Immediately turn the bottle upright and watch the tornado emerge.


Spitting Fun

After a watermelon feeding frenzy, set up a watermelon seed spitting contest.  Who can spit the seeds the farthest?


Spray Bottle Time Filler

Fill up spray bottles with water and add a little food coloring.  Have children spray paint the sidewalk or driveway.  Draw pictures on the ground with colored chalk.  Spray the chalk and watch what happens.

Have children wash their bikes or tricycles.  Better yet, have them wash the car.


Suck It Up

Have children participate in a pudding or ice-cream eating contest – with no hands allowed.  Or, have a contest where jello is sucked up through a straw.


Water Races

Fill paper or styrofoam cups with water and place them on children’s heads.  Have a contest to see who can make it across the yard without spilling.  Anyone spilling must return to the start line and have their cup topped up.

Mommas – are you looking for more ideas about life with little ones?

Be sure to check out the  Littles  page for tips, tricks, and strategies on a wide range of topics.